Category Archives: Eurodoc

European Forum of Young Innovators — EFYI’16

European Forum of Young Innovators - EFYI'16

We are pleased to announce that on 24-25th of October 2016, the Foundation Poland Innovative in cooperation with the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (EURODOC), the National Representation of Doctoral Candidates in Poland (KRD) and the Marshal Office of Lodz, organize the first edition of the European Forum of Young Innovators – EFYI’16.

The main objective of the Forum is to create a European platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and contacts between young innovators in the EU. The initiative aims also to encourage carrying out research in cooperation with industry and Polish research entities, as well as to promote international cooperation. The main concept of EFYI is the slogan “from IDEA by TRANSER to IMPACT. This idea fully illustrates the path that young innovator must cross in order to succeed. Through the implementation of this event we want to simplify this route to all young scientists. EFYI involves panel discussions and seminars with practitioners,  as well as workshops in order to advice the participants interested in the implementation of innovative solutions – so that in crossing the path from idea to success.

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Brexit should not impact open academia!

As the UK democratically voted for a Brexit, the consequences for higher education and research are not clear. This, unfortunately, places doctoral candidates and junior researchers in the United Kingdom in a potentially vague situation. Especially those early career researchers that rely on European funding as well as continental European early career researchers working in the United Kingdom. As of now, we acknowledge that the article 50 procedure hasn’t been initiated and the current status quo hasn’t been altered as of yet, when the United Kingdom does take this step to leave the European Union a new challenge for academia might arise.  As Eurodoc, an organisation that supports the interests of doctoral candidates and junior researchers across Europe, we see this as a serious problem in need of a remedy. The position of early career researchers needs to be made clear and protected in the event of Brexit. We argue that Brexit should not result in a loss of quality and opportunity for early career researchers. As Eurodoc, we hope our equals in the United Kingdom will not be limited in their pursuit of truth and knowledge. With this, we refer to the lifting of barriers as proposed by the European Research Area (ERA) and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). We hope that the Brexit does not restrict the mobility and potential scientific collaboration across Europe, as Eurodoc envisions a ERA and EHEA policies where all researchers are duly recognised for their contributions. We exclaim our belief in a transparent form of academia with open access to all those who, in the words of Sir Isaac Newton, believe in the notion: “standing on the shoulders of giants.”

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Press Release: Early Stage Researchers’ Training: Which Future?

June 13th Brussels, Belgium

Eurodoc Annual Conference, General Meeting and New Board 2016

The 2016 Eurodoc Annual Conference took place on the campus of the University of Luxembourg, in the city of Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, between April 20th and 21st and was co-organised by the Association of Early-Career-Researchers of Luxembourg, LuxDoc.

The conference “Early-stage-researchers’ training: which future?” addressed the challenges for a modern vision of the doctorate. Early-career-researchers are the next generation of highly skilled professionals. As such, they must be trained, in the practice and production of excellent research, not only for Academia but for a variety of careers in a knowledge-based society.

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Eurodoc new Board 2016

The AGM of EuroDoc (22-23 April, Luxembourg) allowed a fruitful discussion between members of important aspects of the organization and elected new Board, WG Coordinators, other Administration and Advisory Board. See the full list of names and positions below.

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Register now for the Eurodoc 2016 Conference!

The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc) and Luxembourg’s Young Researchers Association (LuxDoc a.s.b.l.) are happy to announce that registrations are now open for the 16th Eurodoc Conference  held at the University of Luxembourg in Esch-Belval. The conference entitled Early stage researchers’ training: which future? will take place on 20 and 21 April in Luxembourg.

Register now via this link

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