European Forum of Young Innovators — EFYI’16
We are pleased to announce that on 24-25th of October 2016, the Foundation Poland Innovative in cooperation with the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (EURODOC), the National Representation of Doctoral Candidates in Poland (KRD) and the Marshal Office of Lodz, organize the first edition of the European Forum of Young Innovators – EFYI’16.
The main objective of the Forum is to create a European platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and contacts between young innovators in the EU. The initiative aims also to encourage carrying out research in cooperation with industry and Polish research entities, as well as to promote international cooperation. The main concept of EFYI is the slogan “from IDEA by TRANSER to IMPACT. This idea fully illustrates the path that young innovator must cross in order to succeed. Through the implementation of this event we want to simplify this route to all young scientists. EFYI involves panel discussions and seminars with practitioners, as well as workshops in order to advice the participants interested in the implementation of innovative solutions – so that in crossing the path from idea to success.
Discussions will focus on, among others, intellectual property protection, financial instruments to support research and development projects, examples of best practice from Europe and the World, and “success stories” of effective transfer of knowledge from science to business. A novel approach is the introduction of VOP modules (Voice of Participants), where each of them, after the end of the panel will have the opportunity to participate actively in the discussion and refer to what has been discussed in it. In addition, the participants will have the opportunity to take part in practical workshops led by representatives of the EURODOC and Poland Innovative. The main topics will focus on career paths of young scientists, PhD formula – more specifically industrial doctorates and innovative Lean Startup in Science.
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SIGN UP NOW ! ( Free registration – the number of participants is limited