Policy Research
The Policy Research Working Group (PRWG) was created in March 2012 during the Krakow Eurodoc Annual General Meeting.
The main aims of the PRWG are:
- To analyse and research EU policies (including those of different stakeholders within the European Research Area (ERA)) directed towards Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) working in Europe
- To analyse and research National Associations’ policies in order to understand commonalities and differences and work on a more effective way to face common and specific issues
- To disseminate Eurodoc policies and policy papers concerning ESRs working
in Europe - To cooperate with the Board, the Policy Officers and other working groups in the design of Eurodoc’s policies and policy papers
In 2014 we launched two brand new projects:
- HORIZON 2020: Spread the Word Project
Considering the complex and multifaceted reality of the Horizon 2020 Project, and its richness in funding opportunities for ESR’s, the PRWG decided to launch a project called H2020: Spread the Word (H2020-STW). Its aim is to facilitate the dissemination of the European Commission Horizon 2020 Program and promote a clearer understanding of it.
Following the almost unanimous request at Eurodoc’s 2014 annual general meeting to focus more on the interests of members, the PRWG decided to launch the Raise Your Voice Project. The Project’s aim is to listen to the voice of Eurodoc’s member associations and prepare policy papers on the most common issues of concern to them.
If you want to know more about our projects, or you feel you can contribute to the PRWG’s goals, don’t hesitate to join us!
To ask for more information or to join the workgroup mailing list, please send an e-mail to secretary@eurodoc.net.