Cyprus Early Stage Researchers Association (CESRA)
Cyprus Early Stage Researchers Association (CESRA) is a non-profit association located in Nicosia (University of Cyprus, P. O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus). It has been established since 19th March 2008 and joined EURODOC in Fribourg Annual Eurodoc Conference in 2008.
As stated in its statute CESRA aims at:
- Promoting sciences and research in higher education
- Improving study and research conditions for PhD candidates and young researchers
- Strengthening relationships between young and experiences researchers
- Supporting networking between PhD candidates and young researchers in a European and International level
- Informing PhD candidates and young researchers on new trends and achievements with regards to research and science
- Notifying PhD candidates and young researchers on recent issues at a National and International level
- Acknowledging the role of PhD candidates and young researchers in the promotion of scientific research
- Improving PhD candidates and young researchers’ professional perspectives
- Supporting future PhD candidates and young researchers
The aforementioned aims and objectives shall be achieved by:
- Promoting research by organizing scientific conferences and seminars involving PhD candidates who are supposed to present their work
- Organizing conferences and workshops aiming to inform PhD candidates on European programs and funding.
- Developing and sustaining a member of network with private and public sectors and services in order to inform, PhD candidates and young researchers on scientific issues supporting their research and enhancing their involvement in social service programs and actions.
Amongst its activities throughout the first year of its establishment, APCC, notes its representation at the EUPIDE-UNICA Conference 2008 at Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, Rennes 2008 Conference on Young Researchers under the auspices of the French Presidency of the European Union, The World Federation of Scientific Workers Symposium 2009 in Universite del’ Est in Paris and Eurodoc Annual Conference in Slovakia in 2009 and Prague 2009 Conference for Young Researchers under the auspices of the Checz Presidency of the European Union.APCC participated at the first online survey on doctoral education, whereas one of its board members was its Press Officer. At a national level APCC organizes two academic events on Doctoral Students’ and Young Researchers’ Issues per academic year and issues a newsletter annually. In the coming years it is planned for APCC to contribute further to the academic life of the island of Cyprus having its own broadcast on research issues at the University of Cyprus Radio Station.
APCC’s activity is supported by The Rectorate of the University of Cyprus and The Ministry of Education and Culture, who have been its main sponsors since its establishment. Further information on APCC aims and objectives or activities and plans can be reached at its webpage at: