Valorisation of the doctorate – Rennes 2008
As a sattelite event to the French EU Presidency 2008 conference Young researchers in Europe, this workshop on 19 November 2008 in Rennes, France, continued Eurodoc’s efforts to strengthen the recognition of doctoral degrees in the private and public sectors as much as in academia.
For more information on the background, please see the Workshop programme flyer
About 50 experts and Eurodoc delegates listened to the presentations of
- François Briatte, Eurodoc, introducing the concept of ‘valorisation’
- Massimo Serpieri, EC DG Research, on current European trends and EC reports
- Nora de Vries, Eurodoc, introducing the concept of mentoring
- Thomas Jørgensen, EUA – Council of Doctoral Education (CDE), on the activities of the CDE and some ideas on mentoring and supervision.
- Paule Biaudet, Head of the House of Doctoral Schools, University
Pierre and Marie Curie, on the experience of mentoring at UPMC - Martin Lüling, Schlumberger, on mentoring in industry
- Wolfgang Eppenschwandtner, Eurodoc, presenting the outcomes of the workshop

Valorisation of the doctorate – Rennes 2008

Valorisation of the doctorate – Rennes 2008