Laszlo Kover

Board Member: Laszlo Kover (HUN)
Laszlo graduated at the University of Debrecen (Nature Conservation BA and MA; Game Management BA). During his student years, he won ERASMUS (Wageningen, NL), CEEPUS (Wien, A) and DAAD (Gießen, DE) scholarships. He got his Ph.D. degree in 2015. At present he is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Nature Conservation Zoology and Game Management at the UD, Hungary. Laszlo’s research field is the urban ecology, his research focuses on Corvids in urban environment. Beside it he interested in different nature conservation projects too. He is the teacher co-president of the Student Committee on Environment Protection at the University of Debrecen. He was elected as a Board member of Eurodoc in 2016.