PhD training
A new working group (WG) “PhD training” has resulted by a spontaneous workshop during the AGM 2016 in Luxembourg. Doctoral training is very important for the future career of PhD holders and unfortunately the recommendations from key documents regarding doctoral training reforms have not been widely implemented across Europe. Especially important is to link doctoral training not only with academic, but also with working life. This was the reason why it was decided to create this new WG with the main aim to promote “Good practices of PhD training” from different contexts in Europe and to help with implementation of recommendations from key documents.
Our goals are:
- To Collect and share good practices of doctoral training from different contexts in Europe, especially in regards to transferable skills (sharing documents, regulations, make proposals, statements, etc.).
- Provide documentation on these practices to individuals and to national organizations by creating an online platform on this topic.
- Define “Eurodoc’s recommandations” on the training to ensure its quality and adequacy with the recognition of PhD as a professional experience.
- Share and support the “Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training” and “Salzburg I and II recommendations”.
To ask for more information or to join the workgroup mailing list, please send an e-mail to