Ewelina Pabjańczyk-Wlazło

Eurodoc President: Ewelina Pabjańczyk-Wlazło (PL)
A social activist supporting women in science, a science popularizer – one of the founders of Boost Biotech Poland promoting life science sector, certified project manager and a doctoral candidate at Lodz University of Technology (Poland), also working as PR Officer in Autex Research Journal. The participant of few international projects among others in Germany, Japan, Sweden, Spain and France. She pursues her doctoral thesis in the area of biomaterials, dealing with polymer and composite biomaterials based on hyaluronic acid. She graduated from Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering at LUT (BSc, Poland) and International Business Management at L’INSEEC Alpes-Savoie (Master, France). Experienced in self-governance of doctoral candidates at national and local level, with particular interests put on gender equality and business – academia collaboration.