Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų sąjunga
The Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers (LSYR) is a dynamic, knowledge-based, autonomous, non-political and non-profit nation-wide organisation, open to young researchers, scientists, and students from various science and research fields. The organisation was established in 2002 and officially registered in 2003. Now we have little more than 170 real members from nearly 20 different institutions. Our goals:
- to facilitate contacts among young scientists nationally and internationally as well as enhance the scope of their activities and possibilities;
- to set up an open forum for valuable discussions, resulting in scientific and civil activities;
- to propagate systemic scientific information and conduct scientific research;
- to contribute to the development of the Lithuanian education system by actively participating in various interest working groups;
- to act as the main lobby organisation on behalf of young scientists/researchers in Lithuania