
The Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students (DOSZ)

The Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students (DOSZ) is the representing body of the students participating in the Hungarian doctoral education. It was founded in 1994 in the form of an association according to Hungarian law. The Association has approximately 200 members from universities from all over the country and 25 representatives at its general meeting. The daily work in the Association is carried out by six board members and a secretary.

The main decision-making body is the general meeting which usually takes place twice a year.

The principal fields of our activities:

  • Organizing Conferences for PhD and DLA students – the most popular of them is the Spring Wind Conference hosted by one of the university cities of Hungary, intended to provide possibility for PhD candidates from all fields of research to present the summary of their research activity.
  • PhD Student’s Summer Camp – a three-day-event right before the beginning of the academic year intended to provide informative sessions as well as leasure programmes for first year PhD candidates, organized usually in one of the touristic regions of Hungary.
  • Drafting proposals and lobbying at governmental organisations in the interest of its members.
  • Providing legal aid to PhD candidates

If you are interested to get in touch with us, either in order to provide us with information on international conferences organized by your university or simply in order to get information on the PhD education in Hungary, please feel free to contact us.

1055 Budapest, Kossuth square 9. III. floor 1.
Phone: +36 1 222 1819
Fax: +36-1-220-3608

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