The working group sets up a series of goals each year. Some will be internal, of interest only to those involved in the working group. The others will be external.
These goals for 2012 are:
Ongoing projects:
- Finish the HRS4R project. Activities have been planned and the
project is running according to schedule.
Project manager: Hsuan Chou - Finish the defining DCs paper
Project manager: Zaza Nadja Lee Hansen - Reformat the “national career development” questionnaire project to
assess how the private sector does or does not appreciate the PhD as
job-relevant qualification. Data gathered from member organizations as
a basis to develop/suggest strategies how companies could be convinced
of the high value of job candidates with a PhD.
Project manager: TBA
New projects to be started:
- Promoting the Charter and Code (collaboration with other WGs). Done
together with the HRS4R project
Project manager: Hsuan Chou - Research into the role of unions on promoting career development
opportunities (collaboration with other WGs)
Project manager: Anna Tschaut - Look at the survey and see what papers or projects this could spark
and initiate these (collaboration with other WGs)
Project manager: Anna Tschaut
New papers:
- Teaching obligations
Project manager: Zaza Nadja Lee Hansen - Career development for industry focus vs academic focus when doing a PhD
Project manager: Zaza Nadja Lee Hansen - Part-time employment contracts (possible collaboration with other WGs)
Project manager: Zaza Nadja Lee Hansen - Short-term employment contracts (possible collaboration with other WGs)
Project manager: Zaza Nadja Lee Hansen - Transferable skills
Project manager: Zaza Nadja Lee Hansen