From Eurodoc
- Make PhDs employees not students (NewScientist blog post) [link] (March 2012)
- ERA Consultation Contribution (4): Intersectoral Boundary Spanning [pdf](November 2011)
- ERA Consultation Contribution (3): Lifting Barriers and Moving Researchers in the European Union [pdf] (November 2011)
- Commentary on the implementation of the “European Researcher’s Partnership” (includes the Five principle and Recommendation towards a more open European Labour) [pdf]
From European Commission (EC)
- European Researcher’ mobility and careers, 25th February 2010, Available at[pdf]
- Better careers and more mobility: a European partnership for researchers, EC, 23th May 2008, 10059/08, Available at [pdf]
- The European Research Area: New Perspectives, 4th April 2007, 8322/07, Available at [pdf]
- The European Charter for Researchers and code of conduct for recruitment of researchers, 18th July 2005, 7321/05, Available at [pdf]
- Mobility of researcher between industry and academia. 12 practical recommendations, Available at [pdf]
- Evidence on the main factors inhibiting mobility and career development of Researchers, Available at [pdf]
From European Parliament
- Cross-border Mobility of Young Researchers, Available at [pdf]
From European Universities Association (EUA)
- Prague Declaration, 20th March 2009, Available at [pdf]
Other Mobility documentation