History of the Career Development Workgroup
The Career Development workgroup is a result of a merger between two earlier workgroups; the Supervision and Training workgroup and the Career Development workgroup. The Supervision and Training workgroup was created in 2003 and was from 2003 to 2007 coordinated by Tim Brown. The group hereafter merged with the Career Development workgroup forming a Doctoral Careers workgroup in the first instance before renaming it to the Career Development workgroup. The Supervision and Training workgroup focused on issues relating to the supervisor relationship and training (including skills development) for doctoral candidates. Important outcomes were among other things a paper on standards for doctoral programs in 2006 as well as a training and supervision charter for early stage researchers released in 2004, which informed several elements of the European Charter for Researchers subsequently published by the European Commission in 2005. The Career Development workgroup was created in 2003 and was from 2003 to 2007 coordinated by Yolanda Calle. This workgroup focused on career development for young researchers. The focus was on career opportunities, mobility and training where one of the key outcomes was to position this workgroup towards important stakeholders within this area. One particular outcome of this workgroup was a position paper on career stages in academia. After the merger, the Career Development workgroup as it is known today was created which focus on careers as well as supervision and training conditions for young researchers. The historical development of the Career Development workgroup is shown in the graph below with key focus areas highlighted.