Survey on open science and career development
Welcome to a survey on open science and career development by WG Skills under the Steering Group Human Resources and Mobility (SGHRM)!
This survey is aimed at all types and stages of researchers in Europe and particularly encourages early-career researchers to respond. The results of this survey will be used to guide European policy on open science and to improve the career development of researchers. Open science aims to make scientific data and research accessible to all levels of an inquiring society and includes practices such as:
- open data = open sharing of research data
- open source = open sharing of research software/code
- open notebook = open sharing of research notebooks
- open access = open publishing of research results in journals/textbooks and/or depositing them in repositories/archives
- open peer review = open sharing of research peer reviews
- open education = open sharing of education and resources
- citizen science = involving the general public in scientific research.
The survey should take 15-20 minutes to complete and by submitting your survey answers you consent to your personal data being processed.