Category Archives: News

Press Release: Early Stage Researchers’ Training: Which Future?

June 13th Brussels, Belgium

Eurodoc Annual Conference, General Meeting and New Board 2016

The 2016 Eurodoc Annual Conference took place on the campus of the University of Luxembourg, in the city of Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, between April 20th and 21st and was co-organised by the Association of Early-Career-Researchers of Luxembourg, LuxDoc.

The conference “Early-stage-researchers’ training: which future?” addressed the challenges for a modern vision of the doctorate. Early-career-researchers are the next generation of highly skilled professionals. As such, they must be trained, in the practice and production of excellent research, not only for Academia but for a variety of careers in a knowledge-based society.

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EC launches the survey on the international mobility of researchers working outside of Europe

The European Commission recently launched a large international study on the mobility patterns, career paths and working conditions of researchers ( A first survey focusing on the opinions of researchers currently working in a European university was launched in June 2012.

This second survey looks beyond Europe and focuses on the international mobility of researchers to and from Europe and other places in the world. It targets both EU and non-EU researchers.

They would like to know about your views, needs and experiences with international mobility. Which countries have you worked in as a researcher? What factors have played a role in your decisions to move country? Have you previously worked in Europe and if so, how does this compare to other parts of the world? Have you considered carrying out future research in Europe?

Your responses will help the European Commission to develop better policies that should improve the mobility opportunities, career prospects and working conditions of researchers.

The questionnaire should take no more than 15-20 minutes to complete. It will remain open till the end of September.

Thank you in advance for your survey participation and feedback. All answers will be treated as strictly confidential and processed anonymously.

Link to the survey on working conditions and mobility of international researchers:

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