Press Release: Early Stage Researchers’ Training: Which Future?
June 13th Brussels, Belgium
Eurodoc Annual Conference, General Meeting and New Board 2016
The 2016 Eurodoc Annual Conference took place on the campus of the University of Luxembourg, in the city of Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, between April 20th and 21st and was co-organised by the Association of Early-Career-Researchers of Luxembourg, LuxDoc.
The conference “Early-stage-researchers’ training: which future?” addressed the challenges for a modern vision of the doctorate. Early-career-researchers are the next generation of highly skilled professionals. As such, they must be trained, in the practice and production of excellent research, not only for Academia but for a variety of careers in a knowledge-based society.
The conference brought together representatives from research institutions, stakeholders from the European Research Area (ERA), and early-career-researchers from associations across Europe. The aim was to discuss modern doctoral training, funding schemes throughout Europe, cross-border collaborations and intersectoral mobility; and to exchange diverse experiences on research environments and working conditions. The conference provided an opportunity to define and target goals regarding the purpose and value of the doctorate.
The conference was followed by the Annual General Meeting, during which Eurodoc projects, strategic aims and goals for the upcoming year were discussed. A new board was elected, and legally took over on the 25th of May, after the expiry of the transition period.
This year’s board is composed as follows: Ewelina Pabjańczyk-Wlazło (KRD, Poland) was elected as the new president, Julija Baniukevic (LJMS, Lithuania) became vice-president, Antoine Dujardin (CJC, France) is secretary, Péter Miklós Kőmíves (DOSZ, Hungary) is the new treasurer, and Iryna Degtyarova (RMU, Ukraine), László Kövér (DOSZ, Hungary) and Fulvio Rizzo (FUURT, Finland) became general board members.
For the year 2016-2017, Eurodoc will pursue the goal of ensuring the recognition of the value and the purpose of the doctorate. To strengthen its positions, Eurodoc will count on its national association’s network to gather and provide data on the working conditions and training of early career researchers in Europe. Therefore, Eurodoc will continue to aim at providing expertise on early career researchers in the ERA, bringing also more focus onto the R2 level of researchers (“post-docs”).