Eurodoc conference & AGM 2011 Vilnius

The annual conference of Eurodoc took place on March 31 – April 4, 2011, in Vilnius, Lithuania. This major European gathering of doctoral candidates, young researchers and policy makers was co-organised with the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers (lsyr).

During the annual Eurodoc conference in Vienna in 2010, we looked back on achievements in the major policy agendas. One of the main outcomes of the conference this year was a focus on doctoral candidates as the essential link between European Higher Education Area (ehea) and European Research Area (era). In 2011, the Annual Eurodoc Conference celebrated its 10th Edition, with the contribution of a large number of experts and organisations from politics, science, educational administration, higher education, business, and industry.

The Minister of Education and Science of Lithuania, Gintaras Steponavičius, the President of lsyr, Piotras Cimmperman and the President of Eurodoc, Izabela Stanislawiszyn gave opening addresses. Further keynote speakers during three plenary sessions (“Science: Tradition vs. Innovation”, “SMScience”, “Business as usual?”) included Katrien Maes, League of European Research Universities; Rolf Vermeij, University of Twente; Stefaan Hermans, Head of Unit “Skills”, European Commission; Liutauras Gudžinskas, Vilnius University; Norbert Kroo, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Council of the European Research Council; John Wood, European Research Area Board; Linas Eriksonas, uab Europarama; Algirdas Davidavičius, Mykolas Romeris University; Yolande van der Veer, Van der Veer Bv; and Lidia Borrell-Damian, European University Association.

During roundtables and workshops, Eurodoc delegates and other participants discussed such issues as research integrity for a new generation of researchers, new trends and techniques in supervising doctoral candidates, gender equality in science and open theses.

The most important conclusion of the conference is that there is indeed a new generation in science, that every aspect of both present and future doctoral issues must include this generation, and that a new fashion era is only possible with their proactive participation. However, Eurodoc does not forget that traditions are valuable in Europe. Considering both is crucial to understand how we can successfully combine traditions and innovations in research.

Therefore, this conference reinforced the status of Eurodoc as a key partner and main voice for doctoral candidates and young researchers on the European level. At the Annual General Meeting, which took place on April 2-3, 2011 directly after the annual Eurodoc Conference, a new Eurodoc Board was elected. The new President of Eurodoc is Ludovic Garattini. The new Board will work on strengthening the position of Eurodoc as a well-recognised stakeholder in the era and ehea by representing the voice of Europe’s doctoral candidates and young researchers. The Annual General Meeting took up a resolution aimed at harmonizing the doctoral programs across Europe.

The composition of the newly elected Board is as following:

President: Ludovic Garattini (France)

Vice-president: Zsófia Zadravecz (Hungary)

Secretary: Georgios Papavasileiou (Cyprus)

Treasurer: Raphaël Royer (France)

General Board Member: Elena Golovushkina (UK)

General Board Member: Sanne Lykke Lundstrøm (Denmark)

General Board Member: Bruno Gomes (Portugal)


Eurodoc is pleased to announce that the next Eurodoc Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting will take place in Poland on March 21-25, 2012, and is organized by the National Representation of PhD Candidates in Poland (Krajowa Reprezentacja Doktorantów). The key theme of the conference will be “Funding – how to acquire scientific grants”. The relevance and importance of Eurodoc and the community it represents is emphasised by increasing recognition of young researchers as core stakeholders and partners in policy debates. Considering the actions taken by the Council at the national and European level during the last few years, our participation is expected to rise significantly in the near future.

Unravelling relationships between research traditions and new generations’ hunger for change

Invitation to the Annual Eurodoc conference in Vilnius on March 31- April 4, 2011 Last year, the 10 years anniversary of the European Research Area (era) was celebrated. During the annual Eurodoc conference in Vienna in 2010, we looked back on achievements in the major policy agendas. One of the main outcomes of this conference was the accent on doctoral candidates as the link between European Higher Education Area and era.

2011 is also a year to celebrate, as the Annual Eurodoc conference that will take place in Vilnius from March 31- April 4 will be the 10th of its kind. We therefore invite you to join us for celebration and to try to get a glimpse into the future of era.

On April 1st – 2nd the conference will feature plenary sessions on – New generation in science: toward a new fashion era? – Unravelling relationships between research traditions and new generations’ hunger for change. It is evident, that we live in a fast changing world, and the younger generation is more receptive to new innovations. Traditions are valuable in Europe and this is attractive when you speak about tourism but how attractive is this within the field of research? Are new investigation methods encouraged only on the “agendas”? How much social strain between generations is reality? What is the situation of research integrity? What attitudes toward research traditions and the overall mission of science does the new generation bring? Young researches and doctoral candidates will discuss these questions from different points of view, bringing insights from different research fields and experiences from various European countries.

The organisers of the conference invite you to come to the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius, the center of Europe, to take part in discussions and celebrations. French researchers pinpointed a spot 20 kilometers north of Vilnius as being the geographical center of Europe. The Old Part of Vilnius is among the most prominent monuments of culture in the world. Epoch-making European styles have left their distinct traces in the city’s architecture: Gothic, Renaissance, baroque and classical. In the very pleasant and very beautiful old town you will also find Vilnius University, the first university in Eastern Europe, St. Anne’s church. According to legend, Napoleon Bonaparte was so enraptured by St. Anne’s church that he exclaimed his desire to bring the church back to France in the palm of his hand.

We recommend you to leave this church where it is, as the participants of the Annual Eurodoc conference will be able to take back to their homes not only beautiful pictures of Vilnius, but also new ideas and inspirations for their future activities. The workshops of the conference will give participants the opportunity to interact and develop recommendations for the future development of the era. A fair with stands and posters will allow institutions, projects and companies to present their activities and products to the audience of young researchers and policy makers.

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