
CJC Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs

The CJC was founded in 1996 in order to gather the french associations of PhD candidates as well as entry level researchers.

The CJC is a national network of young researchers from a wide range of fields, exchanging and casting informations, skills and experiences among a large audience. About 40 local associations, covering the whole country and representing all disciplines are today members of the Confederation. Thanks to its continuous work and the proactive participation of its members, the CJC became an unavoidable and respected stakeholder within the national framework, offering to any potential partner the same scientifical and rigourous work of expertise and advise, keeping always in mind its basics: solving problems with the help of pragmatic solutions.

The CJC has therefore been recognized by the public institutions as a privileged partner for every questions regarding the doctorate. Being independent, being fundamentally interdisciplinary, representing no trade or labour union, neither political parties nor private interests, the CJC is also constantly contacted by numerous private partners, the medias, stakeholders and shareholders of the doctorate. Among its many achievements, the CJC :

  • developed and promoted the idea of a “doctoral contract”, which has been nationally adopted in 2009, in order to set rules for the doctoral employment,
  • published a popular report showing the obsolescence in France of the “thesis charters”, and subsequently, their complete inadequacy with the European Framework Program,
  • is about to publish an exhaustive guidebook for the doctorate adressed to each and every actor of the field,
  • is willing to improve the debate about working conditions of foreign researchers, trying to unitize it with its ongoing action about working conditions of researchers as a whole, without distinction of origins,
  • is proactive in promoting the doctoral training as a true project achievement as well as an effective professional experience,
  • is improving by its many actions the visibility of doctorates among private and public institutions and by conducting reflections with those partners about, for instance, career development,
  • chairs at the National Council for Higher Education and Research (CNESER).

As one of the funding members of Eurodoc the CJC is involved in its ongoing work in participating in and encouraging debates on the situation of young researchers in Europe and in sharing its experiences from the national level with its partners gathered in Eurodoc.

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