Eurodoc institutional partners
Euroscience (ES) is a European non-profit grassroots association open to research professionals, teachers, students, science administrators, policy-makers, etc. and generally to any citizen interested in science and technology and its links with society. Euroscience represents not only European scientists of all ages, disciplines and nationalities but also the business sector and public institutions such as universities and research institutes. has the most comprehensive database on degree courses at 950 universities and schools in United Kingdom, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Spain, France, Italy and 29 other European Countries, including the EU (European Union). We cover Business, Economics, Social Studies, Natural Sciences, Law, Engineering, Humanities, Environmental Science and all other academic fields.
EURAXESS Links is a networking tool for European researchers working outside Europe and non-European ones wishing to pursue a research career in Europe. It has thus far been launched in the USA, Japan, China, India and Singapore, whereas the first EURAXESS Links “hub” is being launched this year as EURAXESS Links ASEAN. EURAXESS Links provides information about research in Europe, European research policy, opportunities for research funding, for international collaboration and for trans-national mobility. Membership is free.
The Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) is an independent platform of European learned societies and scientific organizations whose aim is to promote mechanisms to support all fields of science at a European level, involve scientists in the design and implementation of European science policies, and to advocate strong independent scientific advice in European policy making.
EUA plays an essential role in shaping tomorrow’s European higher education and research landscape thanks to its unique knowledge of the sector and the diversity of its members. The Association’s mandate in the Bologna process, contribution to EU research policy-making and relations with intergovernmental organisations, European institutions and international associations, ensure its capacity to debate issues which are crucial for universities in relation to higher education, research and innovation.
The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation’s mission is to develop and implement the European research and innovation policy with a view to achieving the goals of Europe 2020 and the Innovation Union.
The Directorate-General for Education and Culture’s mission is to reinforce and promote lifelong learning, linguistic and cultural diversity, mobility and the engagement of European citizens, in particular the young.
The Marie Curie Fellows Association is the Association of scientists who have once been awarded a Marie Curie fellowship or other European Community research training grant selected through a selection procedure. A Marie Curie fellowship is a grant within a harmonized scheme under one of the European RTD framework programmes to stimulate the training and mobility of researchers in the European Community.
Projects supported by the Eurodoc
Marie Curie Fellowships are European research grants available to researchers regardless of their nationality and field of research. In addition to generous fellowships, researchers have the possibility to gain experience abroad and in the private sector, and to complete their training with competences or disciplines useful for their careers. In this website you will learn more about those grants that promote excellence and innovation in Europe.
Eurodoc business partners
A51 was started in summer 2007 with the purpose of developing and supporting a commercial version of activeCollab, while keeping the core values of the system – openness, flexibility and the option to host the system on your own server. Growing from its start as a side project of one person, activeCollab is now the full time job of a dedicated team of developers.