Category Archives: Eurodoc

2nd International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Second International Day of Woman and Girls in Science

The Second International Day of Women and Girls in Science will take place on February 11th. Eurodoc fully supports this initiative. Eurodoc is committed to promote and advance fair and equal chances of women and men to follow a career in science, be it as doctoral candidate, recognised researchers or at any other career level. Maybe there is an event celebrating the International Day close to your home!

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EU doctoral candidates and supervisers — please complete the short survey!

Deadline extension! Are you a doctoral candidate in a ‘modern’ doctorate (professional, industrial, EdD, EngD, etc.)? Are you a supervisor or an advisor in any of these doctorates? If so you could help to gather more precise data about the experience and the practice of both candidates and supervisors.

Please help us and complete the short survey according to your role till 31st of January.

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European Forum of Young Innovators (EFYI) 2016 Workshop ‘What Future for a PhD Holder?’ by Miia Ijäs and Gareth O’Neill

The first meeting of the European Forum of Young Innovators (EFYI) took place in Łódź, Poland on 24 and 25 October 2016. The event aimed to bring together representatives from the worlds of science and business to discuss key issues affecting young innovators and focused on the theme ‘From Idea by Transfer to Impact’. The conference was split across two days, with the first day involving panel discussions with experts from science and industry, and the second day involving workshops for early-career researchers (ECRs).

Despite the cold and wet weather on the second day of the conference, many courageous ECRs braved the elements to attend the workshops. One of the workshops was given by Miia Ijäs and Gareth O’Neill from Eurodoc on ‘What Future for a PhD Holder?‘. This was in the form of a learning café, where the 25 or so participants were split into four groups and revolved around four different themes. Each group discussed each theme in turn and wrote comments on flip-charts which were left for the next group to reflect upon and develop.

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The Official Newsletter of Eurodoc, Issue #20, October 2016

Eurodoc Newsletter, Issue #20, Oct 2016

Dear readers! We are pleased to present you with Eurodoc’s newsletter, aimed at informing Eurodoc members and other interested parties about recent activities proceeded by the Eurodoc community. In this issue:

  • Eurodoc Conference 2016
  • Eurodoc Board and Administration members’ profiles
  • Eurodoc WGs priorities in 2016/2017
  • Eurodoc Statement — Brexit should not impact academia
  • Representing Eurodoc
  • Ukraine, YSC MES — New Research Grant Competition for Junior Researchers in Ukraine: Bottom-up Initiative from the Young Scientists Council
  • Hungary, DOSZ — Hungarian JRs Representation in Doctoral Programmes Reforms
  • NA’s contribution to ERA — Latvia, Finland, Belgium
  • Highlight on: STEM — ESOF
  • Highlight on: UNIKE Conference — Science Europe Workshop
  • Highlight on: EFYI 2016

Download Eurodoc Newsletter, Issue #20, Oct 2016 (*.pdf, ~3,7 Mb)

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Livestreaming at EFYI


Live-stream during EFYI’16 provided! Due to the big interest in our conference, we decided to address the situation of all persons who for various reasons are not be able to participate in the 1st edition of EFYI’16.

The streaming starts on Monday the 24th October according to the schedule of the conference. We encourage everyone to watch us on Youtube channel (conference part):

The detailed program can be found at

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