Monthly Archives: April 2017
Eurodoc contributes to ECRs career development
On 27-31st of March, 2017, the Eurodoc and Organization of Hungarian PhD and DLA candidates DOSz organized an “International workshop on career development and interdisciplinarity for early stage researchers”, which took place at the University of Debrecen, Hungary.
The aim was to bring more focus on the career and disciplinarity issues among early career researchers, on the issues of postdoctoral schemes. Sessions moderators were experienced Eurodocers, coordinators of the working groups (PhD Training, Mobility), Eurodoc adminsitration (the Board, chaired by the President Ewelina Pabjańczyk). During the thematic workshops participants discussed topics about the equal accessibility to research career; about addressing international mobility and interdisciplinarity issues. For Eurodoc Team internal workshops were organized.
Recognising the Value and the Purpose of the Doctorate: Eurodoc’s Recommendations
Abstract: The growing and ongoing diversification of Doctoral Candidates and Graduates’ profiles on the one hand, and the changing character and context of doctoral programmes on the other, has led to a variety of debates on the quality and impact of the doctorate. Within this context, the pioneering and ambitious goal of this policy paper is the replacement of ECTS (European Credit Transfer Scheme) with the promising approach of Learning Outcomes, which focuses on what learners are expected to know and be able to do after the completion of their study programmes. Learning Outcomes provide not only a powerful tool for recognising and quantifying learning achievements, but they are also an effective structure for comparing qualifications or linking obtained knowledge. However, potential pitfalls need to be properly addressed. As for implementation, learning outcomes maybe long, demanding, and therefore costly. As well, every EU country is characterized by a specific socio, economic, and institutional context that can affect how learning outcomes are assessed and defined.