Daily Archives: 11/04/2017

Female researchers wanted for a short interview

Female researchers wanted for a short interview

Are you a woman in science? Do you wish to share your experience?

Then the gender equality working group of Eurodoc would like to interview you and publish this interview on Eurodoc website. If you are ready to volunteer, please send an email at board@eurodoc.net.

These are the questions we want to ask you:

  • What is your field of research? What is your area of specialisation within your field of research?
  • How do you perceive the situation of women in science in your country? And in your research field/area of specialisation? In your country, is your research field/area of specialisation mostly female or male dominated/oriented?
  • Who inspired you to follow a career in science? Is there a colleague or a senior researcher (male or female) that you consider as a mentor or a model? If yes, why do you consider this person as a mentor/model?
  • Have you always wanted to be a researcher? If yes, why? If not, why not? What made you doubt or have reservations about becoming a researcher?
  • What was/is your preferred employment destination after the PhD (academia, private research, industry*)?
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Eurodoc contributes to ECRs career development

Eurodoc workshop

On 27-31st of March, 2017, the Eurodoc and Organization of Hungarian PhD and DLA candidates DOSz organized an “International workshop on career development and interdisciplinarity for early stage researchers”, which took place at the University of Debrecen, Hungary.

The aim was to bring more focus on the career and disciplinarity issues among early career researchers, on the issues of postdoctoral schemes. Sessions moderators were experienced Eurodocers, coordinators of the working groups (PhD Training, Mobility), Eurodoc adminsitration (the Board, chaired by the President Ewelina Pabjańczyk). During the thematic workshops participants discussed topics about the equal accessibility to research career; about addressing international mobility and interdisciplinarity issues. For Eurodoc Team internal workshops were organized.

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