#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

Module 1 - Open Science

Module Description

Open Science is a way of conducting research whereby the methods, data, and/or publications of a research project are opened up by researchers via digital technology for public scrutiny and use. This webinar will introduce the what, how, and why of Open Science. We will look at how broad or narrow the concept of Open Science can be defined, what the spectrum of Open Science practices is that researchers can engage with, and what potential motivations and barriers might make it easier or harder for researchers to actually practise Open Science.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the main principles and spectrum of practices of Open Science
  • Identify some potential motivations and barriers to practising Open Science
  • Apply relevant principles and practices of Open Science to your own research

Module Preparation

Each module focuses on a specific aspect of Open Science and consists of an optional short preparatory course by FOSTER and a webinar by a specialist on Open Science. For this module please follow the preparatory FOSTER course on What is Open Science? To access the FOSTER courses you need to first register on the FOSTER website. See this FAQ for any issues with the FOSTER courses.

Module Webinar

Webinar Presentations

Webinar Specialist

Bianca Kramer is a librarian for life sciences and medicine at Utrecht University Library. She has a strong focus on scholarly communication and is active in research, training, and advocacy on Open Science. Bianca is Involved in Innovations in Scholarly Communication as well as many other initiatives related to Open Science and scholarly publishing.

Background Literature

   Created by Gareth O'Neill & Ivo Grigorov   |   Managed by Oleksandr Berezko