Eurodoc has 6 external working groups open to all interested ECRs from national associations:
- Doctoral training
- Mental health
- Open Science
- Equitable Opportunities and Sustainable Research Cultures
- Research Careers and working conditions
- Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence
All the workgroups serve as a platform for dealing with specific topics of early career researchers researchers in Europe.
The coordinator(s) is responsible for coordinating the meetings and other activities of the working group. The Secretariat Coordinator coordinates the work of all the working groups and reports on their activities to the administrative board of Eurodoc. You have the list of working group coordinators here.
How to sign up for the WG mailing lists
Each working group has an email list. Here, the working groups can keep in touch between meetings, such as calling for meetings and sharing information of interest to its members.
Eurodoc has 6 working groups that are open for all Early career researchers and doctoral candidates affiliated with one or more of the members (national associations) of Eurodoc to join. In some cases, it is even possible for others to join these working groups.
If you wish to be added to the new email lists for any working groups, please sign up through this link.