Europe is the leading destination for international students and offers top-quality doctoral programmes.
PromoDoc is a project funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Action 3 (EM A3) programme focusing on the promotion of European higher education at the doctoral level. The project aims to
- Showcase the attractiveness of doctoral-level study in Europe
- Improve awareness of opportunities for doctoral study
- Facilitate access to European doctoral programmes amongst students in third countries, especially in the targeted industrialised countries and territories of Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and the USA.
For the project, we are developing a range of information tools and a series of information, recruitment and promotion activities, including information days, appointments between potential doctoral candidates and European higher education institutions, the creation of a network of ambassadors and participation in fairs and events.
The three-year project is being implemented by an international consortium, led by CampusFranceand composed of DAAD, Nuffic, the British Council, Eurodoc (The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers) and the Institute of International Education.
Eurodoc contact person: Georgios Papavasileiou
PromoDoc website: www.promodoc.eu