Confirmed themes for the round tables (Monday 01/04, 13h-15h):
The Non-academic Labour Market Needs You! Valorise Your Phd through Transferable Skills.
(Dr. Laurence Theunis, Focus research and Lucia Salto, University of Turin)
Resaver: Securing Your Pension, a Multi-Employer Occupational Pension Solution for Research Organisations in Europe.
(Slaven Misljencevic, EC)
Mental Health and Career Development, a Close Relation and Key for Preventive Actions.
(Ana-Maria Peneoasu, EUA)
Platforms to Boost Interuniversity and Intersectoral Initiatives, the Path to Sustainable Innovation.
(Marie Montaldo (EUF — PhD Hub) and Mathias Schroijen (Focus Research))
A Guide for the Doctorate and Postdoc.
(Marie-Ange Angladon, U Namur)
Open Data and the Helix-Nebula Science Cloud (HNSciCloud).
(Joao Fernandes, CERN)
A Post-academic Career: What’s Holding You Back to Look Beyond The University Walls?
(Dr. Nel Grillaert — U Antwerpen)
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Interdisciplinary Research.
(Loren Pauwels, VUB)
Find Your Doctor — How Can We Make Phd Holders More — and Better — Valued on the Non-academic Market?
(Dr. Eva Ratti, Find your Doctor)
Scientist and Entrepreneur; Opposing Visions?
(Dr. Jonathan Marescaux — E-Biom)
The Power of Alumni Networks for Your Professional Development.
(Martine Torfs — KU Leuven, Bibiane Freche — ULB and Michel Herquet — B12 consulting)
Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity in Research as Key to a Closer Connexion between Research and Society?
(Marjan Van de maele, FGF — Hera)
Open Science — Why Should You Get Involved?
(Charlotte Teresa Weber, Eurodoc and Dr. Michael Matlosz, EuroScience)