#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

What is the future of research assessment?

What is the future of research assessment

Eurodoc is an international federation of 24 national associations (NAs) whose mission is to advance the quality of doctoral programmes and the standards of research activity in Europe. Research assessment plays a central role in shaping research culture, funding decisions, and career advancement. As early career researchers (ECRs) navigate the rapidly evolving research environment, it is crucial to explore approaches that can better capture the true value and impact of research and support the development of a healthy research ecosystem.

To this end, the Eurodoc board, members of the secretariat, and representatives from several NAs attended the Knowledge Research Education Conference 2023 (KRECon). The conference took place in Prague on November 9th – 10th. This year’s theme was the future of research(er) assessment. 

A diverse group of attendees from researchers to government officials and grant organisations were present and all agreed that a reform of the way we assess research(ers) is crucially necessary. Furthermore, ORE (Open Research Europe), where Eurodoc is participating in, organised a workshop before the conference on Multilingualism in Research. This workshop will be followed up by an article published on the ORE platform on the topic of ECRs multilingual publishing practices. The article will be based on a small survey conducted currently by Eurodoc - you can find it here. Feel free to participate and disseminate it. 

So now what? We know that changes and initiatives to advocate and encourage reforms are crucial. Initiatives such as CoARA and ORE can be milestones of the change we need; however, we need a long path to go as without the involvement of ECRs’ who are the fundamental component of the research, we will repeat the same mistakes. 

Nevertheless, Eurodoc is very excited to be amongst the drivers of this reform. Are you interested in shaping the future of research assessment and being a part of it? Join our Research Assessment and Career Path’s working group!

Stay tuned for more exciting information!

Devriş İşler