#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

Open Science for Ukrainian Higher Education System

Open Science for Ukrainian Higher Education System

Start: 01-11-2023 End: 31-10-2026
Project Number: 101129085
Programme: Erasmus+ KA2
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action Type: Capacity Building in Higher Education
Coordinator:  Lviv Polytechnic National University

Open Science for Ukrainian Higher Education System (Open4UA) project is designed to advance the growth of Ukraine’s knowledge-driven economy for the post-war recovery by reforming the higher education (HE) system. That will be achieved by prioritising Open Science (OS) across different levels (from National policies to individual researchers), which is reflected in the project objectives. Open4UA will bring positive systemic change by offering a draft Law of Ukraine amending legislation on National OS policy. What is more, it will provide a policy framework on OS and Research Assessment (RA) and tools boosting transparency (open database of funded projects) to the public bodies in charge of education and research. During the project an institutional toolkit for OS implementation and RA advancement dedicated to Higher Education Institutions’ leadership and managers. At the same time the project will help to disseminate knowledge and provide the means to implement as well as reward OS practises among all members of the Ukrainian academic community.

Project objectives:

  1. Fostering the National reform on Open Science for the higher education system modernisation and EU integration by supporting legislation amendments based on the orchestrated National consensus.
  2. Introducing existing advanced approaches and creating state-of-the-art recommendations and mechanisms to reform research assessment to prioritise Open Science at the National level during state certification of higher educational institutions and research projects evaluation.
  3. Fostering the institutional reform on Open Science and advancing research assessment in higher educational institutions through developing and piloting related toolkits.

Eurodoc is a Consortium member among fifteen other Institutions including the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and four institutional Partners. In this project, Eurodoc will ensure that the voice of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) will be heard during the Open Science and Research Assessment policy development at all levels, particularly in line with Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) Manifesto for ECRs, and will do so through the collaboration with its member association in Ukraine - the Young Scientists Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union