#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

20th Anniversary of Eurodoc — You Are Invited!

The Eurodoc online 20th anniversary will be live-streamed on this page via YouTube on 2 February 2022 from 17.00-18.30 CET

Eurodoc will turn 20 years old on the 2nd of February 2022! We would like to kindly invite you to celebrate this significant milestone with us by joining our online anniversary, which will be live-streamed on this page via YouTube. During the event, we will reflect on Eurodoc’s activism in the previous years and try to look into the future of the European Research Area and the role of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in it.

When/where/how? The event will be held on 2 February 2022 from 17.00-18.30 CET online - will be live-streamed on this page via YouTube. You are more than welcome to ask questions on Youtube, which we will pass to the speakers. 

We are very pleased to inform you that there will be with us representatives of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education, Marie Curie Alumni Association, former and current Eurodoc presidents. 

Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers, is a grassroots federation of 29 national associations of early career researchers (ECRs) from 26 European countries. Eurodoc was founded in 2002 and then established in 2005 as a non-profit, international volunteer organisation based in Brussels. As representatives of ECRs at the European level, we engage with all major stakeholders in research and innovation in Europe. Eurodoc primarily focuses and advocates for doctoral candidates and junior researchers, that is, researchers at R1 and R2 stages.

Speakers' Information

Agnieszka Zyra, President of Eurodoc

Agnieszka Żyra – President of the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc), former Eurodoc Secretary, Eurodoc Open Science Ambassador, former Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates (KRD) vice-president (2018) and Plenipotentiary for international cooperation (2019). Doctoral candidate in the field of mechanical engineering and the lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Cracow University of Technology in Poland. Scientifically deals with unconventional machining methods, especially with electrodischarge machining processes.

Dr. Alexander Hasgall, Head EUA Council for Doctoral Education

Dr. Alexander Hasgall is Head of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE). He is responsible for the largest European network in this field, covering 36 countries and bringing together a community of academic leaders and professionals from 265 Universities awarding doctoral degrees and institutions working on issues related to doctoral education and research training.

Before assuming this position, he coordinated the Swiss University Rectors conference’s “performances de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales” programme on research evaluation in the social sciences and humanities and was based in the University of Geneva.

Alexander Hasgall studied philosophy and history at the University of Zurich and the Free University of Berlin. He wrote his Doctorate at the University in Zurich on the topic «Regimes of Recognition. Struggles over truth and justice in dealing with the last military dictatorship in Argentina» and completed a research residence at the “Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento” in Buenos Aires. Outside of the higher education sector, Alexander acquired different working experiences in the NGO-Sector incl. being a human rights observer in Guatemala and as a freelance journalist. 

Dr. Mostafa Moonir Shawrav, Chair of Marie Curie Alumni Association 

Mostafa has been the Chair of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) since 2020. After working over 10 years in an academic environment in Austria, Belgium, and the Netherlands, he moved into the semiconductor industry and currently manages several European R&D Projects. He is a high-level expert for a European Project on Knowledge Ecosystem. He contributed to the supervision guideline published by the MSCA Unit.

His involvement in MCAA since its establishment helped him understand the challenges faced by researchers from different career stages and various scientific and geographical backgrounds. This inspired him to become active and organize training for mobile researchers in sustainable research careers, science diplomacy, careers beyond academia and entrepreneurship.

Dr. Ludovic Garattini, Head of R&I and African programs at Green Forum and Former President of Eurodoc (2011)

Ludovic Garattini received his Ph.D. from the University of Paris in Science and Technology Studies (STS). His research focused on defining intercultural modeling of sine qua none normative representations of technics, deemed necessary to achieve the techno-ecological transition to sustainable and inclusive societies.

He has been involved in Higher Education and Research for 15 years, both at an administrative (Ministry of HE&R in Paris) and academic level (the University of Paris, Keio University in Tokyo, Torino University, Kobe University, and the prestigious “Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers”). He’s been involved as an activist, a researcher, a professor, and a European projects Coordinator.

Ludovic is now Head of Research and Innovation as well as Head of African programs within the Green Party foundation in Sweden, Green Forum (Stockholm). His main goals are to develop with colleagues from all over the world innovative programs and collaborations aiming at nurturing new and challenging democratic/ecologic models, stemming from non-Western cultures and societies.

Dr. Margaux Kersschot, Policy adviser at the University of Antwerp and Former President of Eurodoc (2016)

Dr. Margaux Kersschot policy adviser at the University of Antwerp working on building the Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) alliance. She is the instigator and coordinator of the H2020-funded DIOSI-project, which provides a full-cycle concept on doctoral training. Furthermore, she is involved in aspects of Open Science, researcher competencies/careers, community-engaged research, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Margaux obtained a Ph.D. in Social Sciences at the University of Antwerp and KU Leuven (2016), entitled 'Lost in aggregation: domestic public and private economic actors in EU trade negotiations. In that same year, she was President of the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc) and has been invited for a seat on the advisory board for several consecutive years. Before re-joining the University of Antwerp, Margaux worked at Adoc Talent Management in Paris, an innovative SME specialized in careers of doctorate holders.