#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

Save the date – Eurodoc Lunchtime Seminar on Open Science Practices!

Eurodoc Lunchtime Seminar on Open Science Practices!

Join us tomorrow (November 29th, 2023) at our next lunchtime webinar “Tools for Open Science Practices” with Giulia Malaguarnera from OpenAIRE!

Open Science represents a key topic for Eurodoc and Early Career Researchers, who embrace its values and principles but often find barriers in the practices and frustrations on performing activities not adequately rewarded. Giulia will guide us on the tools to complete the research activities and discover, publish, share, and track in open and how to link these activities and highlight them in the researchers' curricula. In particular, Giulia will demo:

  • Discovery services: OpenAIRE Explore and Open Science Lens.
  • Publish: search for repositories, get the best from Zenodo, find journals and use the Right Retention Strategy, create your journal.
  • Data Managing: an intro to ARGOS and Amnesia.
  • Link your research activities in ORCID and write your CV.

The session will end with a Q&A and co-creation activities on the input that Eurodoc would like to give in developing OpenAIRE materials for Early Career Researchers and improving the services and tools with OpenAIRE.

Giulia Malaguarnera is the Outreach and Engagement Officer of OpenAIRE, a nonprofit organisation representing e-infrastructures in Europe for Scholarly Communication. She holds a PhD in Neuropharmacology and has worked in Academia, industry, and policies in Italy, the UK, and France.

Giulia is a Eurodoc Advisory Board Member and former President (2020-2021), also awarded as Eurodoc Open Science Ambassador in 2019. During the MSCA-Individual Fellowship (a prestigious research grant of the Horizon 2020, the European Commission Research and Innovation Program), Giulia joined the Marie Curie Alumni Association and was elected as Secretary and, lately, as Board Member. Giulia is also a Researcher at IGDORE, the Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education.

You can register for the webinar here.

Eurodoc also has the Open Science Working Group, which advocates policy recommendations for higher education and European research stakeholders on changing the academic culture towards a more open one.

If you wish to be added to the new email list for this working group, please sign up through this Google form.