#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

Press Release: Eurodoc statement on Academic Freedom in Hungary

Eurodoc issues a statement on academic freedom expressing its concern for the recent evolution of governmental actions in Hungary. The statement is in line with the recently published joint statement of ALLEA, the EUA and Science Europe on academic freedom. Along with all major european stakeholders in research and higher education, Eurodoc stresses the importance of academic freedom as the backbone of our European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Eurodoc supports all researchers and institutions in Hungary affected by governmental actions in their educational programs and research plans. Due to respect for democratic principles requires that european governments guarantee the independence and autonomy of academic institutions and organizations, without interfering within teaching and research curricula” state Farouk Allouche and Véronique De Herde, co-authors of the statement.

Eurodoc and its members will closely follow the evolution at national level and commit to advocate for academic freedom as a fundamental democratic value in Europe” say Eva Hnatkova, new elected president.