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PRESS RELEASE: Eurodoc statement on Academic Freedom in Slovenia

Eurodoc issues a statement on Academic Freedom in Slovenia expressing their concerns about the recent recurring governmental intervention in higher education and research institutions in Slovenia affecting Academic Freedom and autonomy. Eurodoc believes that stable contracts, full social benefits, and strong public funding are fundamental requirements to protect Academic Freedom. 

The statement emphasises the importance of the basic right to perform research without fear of repercussions regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age or disability. The statement also highlights that discrimination against women in any sphere of life, including the scientific one, is unacceptable.

“Academic freedom is the basic right of every member of the academic community. That is the reason why Eurodoc found very concerning all the signals reported of the interference by the authorities in Academic Freedom in Slovenia,” said Agnieszka Żyra, Eurodoc President.

Eurodoc and The Young Academy of Slovenia (Društvo Mlada akademija) will collaborate in monitoring the evolution of the situation in Slovenia in the near future.

The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc), a grassroots federation of 29 national associations of early-career researchers (ECRs) from 26 countries across Europe, as a representative of doctoral candidates and junior researchers at the European level, strongly expresses its commitment to defend Academic Freedom in Europe.

Full statement attached.