On 16-17 July 2021, Eurodoc members gathered for the hybrid Eurodoc’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), and elected the new administrative board for 2021-2022. Agnieszka Żyra (KRD, Poland), was elected as Eurodoc President.
“The mission of Eurodoc as an organisation is to advocate for positive change in the policies, culture and environment that affect the quality of training, well-being and employment conditions of early career researchers” – said Agnieszka. “According to that, I believe that now there are few challenges facing Eurodoc. Among them, the employment status of doctoral candidates' as well as postdocs' working conditions are crucial. Still very important aspects are Research Assessment and Open Science, which we would like to improve together with policymakers, partners and research organisations’ stakeholders. We will maintain and empower the relationship with Research and Innovation Stakeholders and improve our National Associations’ engagement. Thanks to the amazing team of motivated and experienced board and secretariat members, we will be able to cover all the mentioned topics!”
During the AGM, Sara Pilia (ADI/Italy) was elected as Vice-President, Danila Rijavec (YAS/Slovenia) as Treasurer and Mariana Hankova (SK RVŠ/Czech Republic) as Secretary. Oleksandr Berezko (RMU, Ukraine), Pil Maria Saugmann (Sweden - SFS-DK) and Sebastian Dahle (YAS/Slovenia) have been elected as General Board Members.
The AGM also elected officers and coordinators of workgroups, with Bikal Ghimire (SiN/Norway) as Secretariat Coordinator and Haneen Ratallah as External Communication Manager.
The National Association ANOSR (Romania) was admitted as a new Eurodoc member.
Giulia Malaguarnera “The Eurodoc members elected a well balanced and efficient team. I trust they will be able to tackle all the challenges that early-career researchers are facing with enthusiasm and energy. I am looking forward to seeing their work...Ad maiora!”
Eurodoc thanks SK RVŠ (Czech Republic) for the efforts to organise the Eurodoc Conference and AGM 2021 and hospitality.