Eurodoc Open Science Ambassador Training
Course Background
The Eurodoc Open Science Ambassador Training is a course designed by Gareth O’Neill and Ivo Grigorov to train researchers in key practices in Open Science. The course was initially aimed at representatives of early-career researchers from National Associations of Eurodoc to act as ambassadors in their networks and is now freely available for all interested researchers and policy makers. This course ran from March until August 2019 and was facilitated by Roberta Moscon on an Erasmus+ Staff Exchange. A total of 24 ambassadors successfully completed the course in 2019.
Course Description
The Open Science movement aims to open up the entire research cycle so that research designs, methods, data, and results are publicly available in a reasonable timeframe. The concept of Open Science goes back to the sixteenth century but has recently been reimagined by researchers advocating for openness and by the European Commission which has made Open Science a priority for the European Union. This online course aims to train researchers in the basic principles and practices of Open Science so that they can do Open Science and act as ambassadors to educate and train researchers as well as inform and engage research stakeholders about Open Science.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the basic principles and practices of Open Science
- Educate and train (early-career) researchers in Open Science
- Inform and engage research stakeholders about Open Science
Course Curriculum
The course consists of 10 modules focusing on aspects of Open Science. Each module is made up of an online tutorial on the FOSTER portal and a webinar with an expert on a specific topic of Open Science. The modules specifically address Open Science, Open Access, Open/FAIR Data, Open Peer Review, Data Management, Plan S, Open Licensing, Open Clouds, Open Policies, and Open Source. Each module takes approximately 4 hours: 3 hours to complete the FOSTER tutorial and one hour to watch the webinar. Each module also comes with a light literature list to dive deeper into the topic.
Current Module
The fifth ambassador training module on Data Management by Paola Masuzzo is now online!
Created by Gareth O'Neill & Ivo Grigorov | Managed by Oleksandr Berezko