Webinar 1. The Rights Retention Strategy for ECRs
by Johan Rooryck & Sally Rumsey of cOAlition S; 19 April 2021, 14:00-15:00 CET.
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The RRS Webinar Description
In January 2021, cOAlition S started implementing its Rights Retention Strategy (RRS). The RRS is designed to enable researchers funded by cOAlition S to publish in a widest possible array of journals, including subscription journals, whilst adhering to the Plan S principles of immediate OA under an open licence. It does this by requiring funded researchers to assign an open (CC BY) license to their accepted manuscripts that protects their intellectual property. That enables researchers to reuse and disseminate their work as they see fit and deposit a copy of their Author Accepted manuscript without embargo in a repository of their choice. Such a bold move provokes change and possibly disruption. This webinar describes the way in which the RRS has been rolled out, and how all researchers (not just cOAlition S funded researchers) can take advantage of the RRS to make sure that their research is available Open Access without embargo as soon as it is published in a subscription journal.
Webinar 2. The Opportunities of Open Research Europe for ECRs
by Michael Markie of F1000 Research (developers of Open Research Europe platform); 19 April 2021, 15:00-16:00 CET.
Download the ORE webinar presentation slides (PDF, ~1.2 MB, this link will open in new window/tab)
The ORE Webinar Description
On 24 March 2021 the European Commission launched Open Research Europe (ORE), a publishing platform for research papers that will be accessible to everyone. The platform will present the results of research funded by Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme for 2021-2027, and its predecessor, Horizon 2020. ORE will give everyone, researchers and citizens alike, free-of-charge access to the latest scientific discoveries. It directly addresses major difficulties often associated with publishing scientific results, including delays and barriers to the re-use of results and high costs. The platform is an optional service for Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 beneficiaries so that they can comply with their funding requirements for immediate open access, at no cost to them. Approximately 40 scientific papers from very diverse fields of research have already been published and are available for the scientific community to read and review. This webinar will describe the opportunities provided by the ORE platform to ECRs and clarify any questions which might arise.