#Ukraine: providing and receiving support

Eurodoc Elects the New Board at the Hybrid AGM 2022 in Vilnius

Eurodoc AGM 2022 in Vilnius

On 10-11 June 2022, Eurodoc members gathered for the hybrid Eurodoc's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and elected the new administrative board for 2022-2023. Oleksandr Berezko (RMU, Ukraine), was elected as Eurodoc President.

"The last couple of years have been anything but calm and regular: the pandemic, crises, and now the war in Europe. Under the circumstances, the role of activism and advocating for positive change has only been raised, and I am proud to be a part of Eurodoc, the organisation which has a strong and clear position and doesn't hesitate to act accordingly.

Today it is evident that achieving sustainable research culture in Europe requires the active involvement of ECRs and focusing on topics critical for them, especially Open Science, Doctoral Training, and Career Development. The Eurodoc community should continue its important work in these and other areas.

Also, our organisation is evolving, and the long-discussed changes need to be implemented while adhering to our mission and vision. This process requires proper management and commitment. I look forward to collaborating with all of you this term, and I believe we are now at the beginning of a very productive year." – said Oleksandr.

During the AGM, Sebastian Dahle (YAS, Slovenia) was elected as Vice-President, Danila Rijavec (YAS, Slovenia) as Treasurer, and Hannah Schoch (Actionuni, Switzerland) as Secretary. Nicola Dengo (ADI, Italy), Patrizia Ferrante (ADI, Italy), and Joanna Rutkowska (PNN, Netherlands) were elected as General Board Members.

The AGM also elected officers and coordinators of working groups, with Pil Maria Saugmann (SFS-DK, Sweden) as Secretariat Coordinator and Anna Pavelieva (RMU, Ukraine) as External Communication Manager.

"Congratulations to the newly elected Administration Board and Secretariat Members! I would like to wish you success, which will lead to the further development of Eurodoc. I would also like to thank the stepping Administration Board and Secretariat Members, it was an honor to work with you!" – said Agnieszka Żyra, stepping Eurodoc President.

Eurodoc thanks LSYR (Lithuania), especially Barbora Lekesyte, for the efforts to organize the AGM 2022 and hospitality.