On 20 March 2020, the European Commission announced that it had awarded F1000 Research the opportunity to launch an ambitious Open Access Publishing Platform for Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. The aim of this ‘Open Research Europe’ (ORE) platform is to offer a peer-reviewed publishing service to support the beneficiaries of both European framework programmes to meet their explicit Open Access requirements with no article fee, during or after the end of the funded project.
Last year, Eurodoc interviewed Michael Markie, publishing director of F1000 Research, to explain what is F1000 Research, which open research model they employ, and why Early Career Researchers (ECRs) should use this platform. Eurodoc will participate, together with the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER) and Global Young Academy (GYA) as expert partners. Our role will be to raise awareness about the platform and introduce it to ECRs across Europe via our network.
As a partner, Eurodoc will organize workshops, webinars and focus groups to discuss the project updates and formulate future recommendations. In these training and meeting sessions and other planned activities, we aim to engage actively with our Eurodoc Open Science Ambassadors from our National Associations. Furthermore, we will work closely with and seek advice from our partner organizations, especially Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) and Young Academy of Europe (YAE), as well as other key stakeholders.
In view of this partnership with F1000 Research, the president of Eurodoc, Eva Hnátková, said: “We are proud to be part of the project and work together with F1000 Research and other stakeholders. Eurodoc has been supporting Open Science practices for a long time and today, in the time of coronavirus, more than ever, we can see how crucial is an immediate access to the most up to date research outputs without any barriers for researchers and citizens. The ORE platform with mandatory FAIR data policy and possibility of preprints, will help us to promote a new mode for publishing in the future.”
More information is available on the F1000 Research page.